If you’re in need of a new vehicle, but trying to manage your finances simultaneously, you may be dismayed when you look at the prices of many new vehicles. Perhaps you weren’t expecting to need a new vehicle at this time, or perhaps this has been a long time coming and there’s a particular model you’ve been wanting, but you haven’t kept up with the market in recent years and are shocked by what you see. Either way, we don’t want you to feel discouraged, because there is a way for you to get the vehicle you want without breaking the bank. Our dealerships feel strongly about providing high-quality options from recent model years, ensuring that you’re looking at good-as-new value for significantly decreased prices.
Even within the used vehicle market, there are different types of used vehicles, allowing you to make sure that you are getting the highest-quality used vehicle possible. If you need a used car dealership that you can trust to provide you not only with the best vehicles on the market but also to handle the collaboration with transparency and honesty, then we think that DePaula will be a great place for you. Not only will you find used cars when you shop at our many DePaula locations, but you’ll also find customer-oriented and straightforward service. But, let’s talk first about our lineup.
Across our dealerships, you will have access to the best, most sought-after brands on the market. The great news about looking within the used market is that you are not limited to the dealership’s brand name. Our used inventories capture a wide variety of brands and models, meaning you can truly choose the vehicle you most want. We carry all of your favorite brands, from Acura to Volkswagen, so you’ll have no shortage of options in our lineup.
Whether you’re looking for a luxury sedan, a family SUV, or a powerful truck, we’ve got a model that is perfect for you. It’s important to remember that “used” is not a vehicle type. While a specific image may come to mind when you think of a used vehicle or used inventory, it captures all body types, a wide variety of leading brands, fan-favorite models, and even a variety of trim options within many of those models.
Our lineup really does cover everything you could possibly hope to find in an extensive selection of pre-owned vehicles. We encourage you to explore our selection, from sedans to SUVs to trucks. Whether you’re looking for a simple commuter vehicle, a luxury sports car, a family-oriented SUV, or a rugged and reliable truck, we’ve got you covered.
Purchasing a used vehicle can be a great way to get your hands on something you may have always wanted, but have never gone through due to budgetary reasons. For a lot of drivers, they’ve always wanted to have a truck to optimize their work and recreation, but made a different decision out of financial prudence. But maybe it’s time that that dream truck and financial prudence go hand-in-hand. Many of our vehicles are from recent model years, meaning you’ll be able to find up-to-date features; but, by nature of being a used vehicle, the price tag still looks significantly better than if you bought the same vehicle brand new.
Sometimes when purchasing a used vehicle there can be concerns that you’ll be getting a second-rate product, one that has significant damage, or that is simply not running in optimal condition. First, we want to assure you that we have no interest in selling you a vehicle that is not up to our high standards; we work very hard to provide only high-quality used options. However, if you are looking for a used vehicle that is truly good-as-new, have you considered a Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) car?
These are the cream of the crop pre-owned vehicles, and only select vehicles are able to obtain the Certified Pre-Owned title. Now, the title is not earned simply by somebody glancing over it and determining that it’s good enough to be “certified.” Rather, the vehicle undergoes a rigorous testing process set by the manufacturer, determining if it is really in good-as-new quality. Only after it passes this test is it awarded the title of CPO.
With the car, you’ll receive a comprehensive history report, giving you a holistic view of the vehicle’s details from previous owners, and anything you need to know about the car. With CPO vehicles, there are no hidden secrets, only transparency. Not only will it be the best quality, but you’ll have absolute proof that it’s the best quality.
If you see that a vehicle has been titled CPO, you know that you’ll essentially be getting the value of a new vehicle but with some of the financial benefits of a used vehicle. This is the perfect solution for those looking to save money on a model without compromising quality in the slightest. If you’re looking to balance budget with quality, CPO is the way to go.
As you’re looking for a high-quality used vehicle, you may ask yourself why you’re better off with us than any other dealer? It’s a fair question–and a good question to ask. With so many dealers out there, you want to make sure that you are working with the best team possible. What sets us apart here at DePaula Automotive Group is our core values: transparency, respect, integrity.
Now, those may not be the first three words to come to mind when you think of a car dealership, but that is indicative of the fact that we are trying to transform the dealership experience for you so that you have a team of trusted people to guide you through the process. We want to begin by listening to your needs and then working hard to accommodate your needs. A dealer should never force a vehicle upon a customer; our job is to focus exclusively on what you need and what you want and make sure that is accomplished. Nothing else. Our work is not ultimately about sales; it’s about serving you and our community and making sure that you have all of your automotive needs met, from inventory to vehicle financing to service.